My Personal Whole Food Detox
Detox is always a process of eliminating the bad and poisonous items that hinder us from enjoying good health. The things we need to detox from are poisons that hide in our tissues, organs, or digestive tract. Their presence in the body causes problems for flare-ups, autoimmune diseases, hidden parasites with their behavior, impurities that the liver is trying to eliminate, heavy metals, hidden infections from the past, and other issues we may not know are there.
We are all different, and have all been exposed to different toxins that we need to get rid of from time to time. But how do you get rid of them?
Must everyone “Detox” from something?
In a nutshell, detoxification is removal of harmful toxins and poisons from your body.
Harmful substances include chemicals, prescription drugs, heavy metals, alcohol overload, refined sugar, hormones, or even overdoses of things we think may help our body. Even an overload of things we think are ‘good’ can become toxic (eg vitamins, asprin, tylenol, etc).
Remember, your body must eliminate or excrete all the extra if it does not need it, whether it perceives it from a harmful source, or purely overload and excessive. See the last paragraphs in my post here on balance or homeostasis.
Understanding this fact was life-changing for me, as I thought I just had to pump more and more ‘good’ into my body so it would have enough to work with. This is not necessarily true.
First, Stop the “Bad”
Hulda Clark Dental Cleanup
Dr. Clark taught that the health of your mouth is an indicator of the health of the rest of your body. Somehow we treat our teeth separately from the rest of the body. Maybe it’s because we have two separate professionals – the dentist and the doctor who do not usually communicate.
Mostly the dentist cares only about teeth they are working on. Do they ask us about arthritis that has suddenly set in after the last dental appointment? Or a heart condition? The patient does not think to tell the dentist about his health condition. It’s the doctor that finds out about the problems in the office, and treats the symptoms. Do they ask when you last had dental work, or if you just had a root canal? Does the doctor ever speak to the dentist? No.
Dr. Clark says that THE IMPORTANCE OF THE DENTAL CLEAN-UP CANNOT BE UNDERESTIMATED and should be dealt with at the beginning.
Tapeworm Elimination Recipe
Today we received a call from someone with tapeworms that she cannot get rid of. It all began with tapeworm pieces coming in the toilet bowl. Now a 4-ft long tapeworm came out, but there is still more to come. She has been using the zapper , which is probably why she has been getting the positive tapeworm action. It is very difficult to get rid of the whole tapeworm body including the head (which lays the eggs).
This is reprinted from one of our archived newsletters from 2008, for anyone who wants one more piece of ammunition to fight tapeworms in the body.
Hulda Clark Hand Sanitation protocol
Dr. Hulda Clark’s tutorial on how to stop reinfecting yourself from bacteria and parasites by simple sanitation practices is found in her book “The Cure for All Diseases”, p. 397. The lifestyle practices of keeping meticulously clean are key. This comes from the section “Living Hand to Mouth“. We don’t realize how close we are to catching parasites every single day, it’s mind boggling. And it’s not what we actually see, but what we don’t see that is the problem.
“Hands do everything. They pick up things from the floor. They handle money. They touch other peoples’ hands. They clean up bottoms. They touch all kinds of door knobs. And then they pick up food to eat. Some people even lick their fingers when they’re sticky or just to turn a page!”