You may not even realize it, but a silent killer could be right inside your home, under the kitchen sink, in the broom closet, in the bathroom and in our bedrooms.
The chemicals in the household products we buy in the grocery stores and pharmacies can actually slowly erode our immune system until our health is destroyed.
We must get serious about removing ALL harmful and toxic substances from our homes if we want to become healthy. You must clean up the poisons beginning right now. For more information on removing toxicity from your home, go HERE.
Here is a list of the toxins I removed from our home:
- oven cleaner
- window cleaner
- bathroom sprays
- tile cleaner
- furniture cleaners
- toilet bowl cleaner
- stain removers
- fabric softeners
- drain cleaners
- air fresheners
- disinfectants and detergents
- soaps, lotions
- shampoos
- hairspray
- personal care products of all kinds
- total of 4 boxes full
In John K. Beaulieu’s book “Is Your Home a Healthy Home?” he lists a very disturbing fact. “A product that kills 50% of lab animals through ingestion or inhalation can still receive the federal regulatory designation “non-toxic.” He describes the different ways that toxic chemicals enter the human body: ingestion, inhalation and absorption. “One square centimeter of your skin, an area less than the size of a dime, contains 3 million cells, four yards of nerves, one yard of blood vessels, and one hundred sweat glands.” Any chemical that touches the skin can be absorbed and spread throughout the body, only to have the kidneys and liver try to filter out and remove the toxins.
The results of toxic overload from use of household chemicals include: birth defects, infertility and miscarriage, cancer (in adults and children), asthma, CNS (Central Nervous System) disorders.
John Beaulieu writes,
It’s important, once again, to remind you that only 10% of the chemicals that appear in household products have been tested for negative effects on the nervous system. And we know nothing about the long-term effects of exposure to these chemicals.
CNS disorder symptoms can include: Headaches, dizziness, Multiple Sclerosis, etc. Other symptoms which can be brought on by continued exposure to solvents include: memory loss, behavioral changes, confusion, emotional instability, neurological and personality changes.
Formaldehyde, which is a common ingredient in household chemicals, is found in personal care products and cosmetics. Kare Possick’s book “Why are you Poisoning your Family” states that “Exposure to formaldehyde has been shown to cause headaches, depression, joint pain, chronic fatigue, chest pains, ear infections, dizziness and loss of sleep.”
Dr. Hulda Clark states,
“100% of cancer patients have the solvent isopropyl alcohol accumulated in their liver and in their cancerous tissues.”
Any product with the words “isopropyl alcohol”, “propyl alcohol”, “propanol”, or “isopropanol” should be thrown away! Isopropyl Alcohol is the antiseptic commonly used in doctor’s offices and cosmetics. Dr. Clark has identified propyl alcohol in cold cereals, shampoo, hair spray and mousse, bottled water, store-bought fruit juice, mouthwash, shaving supplies, carbonated beverages, decaffeinated coffee and white sugar. Dr. Clark says “Throw Them Out!”.
Laundry detergents are full of deadly chemicals like phosphorus, ammonia, naphthalene, phenol, and PCB’s. Shampoos contain formaldehyde, deodorants and antiperspirants contain ammonia, ethanol, formaldehyde and aluminum. Toothpastes contain benzene and formaldehyde. Benzene is also found in chewing gum, hand creams, and Vaseline products. The list goes on.
More dirt on Chemicals in the Home . . .
- Petroleum Distillates (in lubricants and metal polishes); short-term exposure can cause temporary eye clouding, longer exposure can damage the nervous system, skin kidneys and eyes.
- Ammonia (in glass cleaner): eye irritant, can cause headaches and lung irritation.
- Phenol and cresol (in disinfectants): corrosive, can cause diarrhea, fainting, dizziness, and kidney and liver damage
- Perchloroethylene (in spot removers, dry cleaning and carpet cleaners): can cause liver and kidney damage if ingested, is an animal carcinogen and suspected human carcinogen.
- Naphthalene or paradichlorobenzene (in mothballs): naphthalene is a suspected human carcinogen that may damage eyes, blood, liver, kidneys, skin, and the central nervous system.
How to begin the Clean-Up
Dr. Hulda Clark in her book “The Cure for All Cancers“ under the section “Clean House” begins,
To clean the house, start with the bedroom. Remove everything that has any smell to it whatever, candles, potpourri, soaps, mending glue, cleaners, repair chemicals, felt markets, colognes, perfumes, and especially plug-in air fresheners. Next, clean the kitchen. Take all cans and bottles of chemicals out from under the sink or in a closet. Remove them to the garage. Make a decision first: that you are worth the trouble.
When I began my search for non-toxic alternatives to traditional toxic household chemicals, I began with Dr. Clark’s three suggestions: baking soda, vinegar and borax. I decided that I would not take a chance on getting contaminated with any other things. We brushed our teeth with baking soda in water, washed our clothes and hair with borax, and basically endured because our health was so precious. We took great care not to bring any substance into the house that could possibly contain isopropyl alcohol.
Non-Toxic Do-It-Yourself Alternatives
Here are some do-it-yourself recipes which you can try. I have not tried them all, but I have tried some of them. Dr. Clark’s cleaning products are vinegar, borax, baking soda and water.
All-Purpose Cleaner : 2-4 tablespoons baking soda and 1 quart warm water. Dissolve baking soda in warm water. Apply with a sponge. Rinse with clear water.
Lime and Mineral Deposit Remover : Soak paper towels in vinegar. Apply the paper towels to the lime deposits around the faucet. Leave them on for approximately one hour. The deposits will be softened and can be removed easily.
Silver Polish : Soak silver in 1 quart of warm water with 1 tablespoon of baking soda, 1 tablespoon of salt and a small piece of aluminum foil.
Brass Cleaner : Lemon juice and baking soda (or cream of tartar). Make a paste about the consistency of toothpaste. Rub onto brass with a soft cloth. Leave on for 5 minutes. Rinse with warm water and dry.
Copper Polish : Paste of equal parts salt, flour and white vinegar or lemon juice. Polish and rinse.
Chrome and Stainless Steel Cleaner : Dip soft cloth in undiluted white vinegar. Wipe surface.
Rust Stains : Scrub with lemon juice mixed with salt.
Perspiration Stains : Sponge stains with white vinegar or lemon juice, or soak in water with two dissolved asprins.
Stainless Steel Sinks : Rub with olive oil to remove streaks.
Chocolate Stains : Before washing, soak in club soda. Rub shortening into stain and wash, or apply milk to stain to keep from setting.
Furniture Polish : Use a mixture of 2 tablespoons olive oil, 1 tablespoons white vinegar and 1 quart of warm water. Spray on and wipe dry.
Mothball Alternative : Cedar chips or dried lavender.
Mildew Remover 1 : Lemon juice and salt or white vinegar and salt.
Mildew Remover 2 : Dissolve 1/2 cup of vinegar with 1/2 cup borax in warm water. Mix them fresh for each use.
Ants : Wash counters, floors, etc with a mixture of 1/2 vinegar and 1/2 water.
Fleas and Ticks : Add 1 tsp of vinegar to 1 quart of water per 40 pounds of pet weight. Feed your pet garlic.
Flies : Beat an egg yolk with 1 tablespoon of molasses and finely ground black pepper. Set this mixture out in shallow plates.
Leather Shoe Polish : Add a shine by polishing it with the inside of a banana peel. Then buff.
Disinfectant : Mix 1/2 cup of borax (natural mineral that kills mold and bacteria) with 1 gallon hot water. Add a few sprigs of fresh thyme. Steep for 10 minutes. Strain and cool. Store in a recycled plastic spray bottle.