So many people who read Dr. Clark’s books remember the details on what you CANNOT eat, probably because it conflicts with our primarily toxic north American diet. Sometimes I wonder if we could survive if we could not get all these packaged and processed foods. Dr. Clark desperately tried to stop our cycle of toxic eating and living, in an effort to reverse disease.
Dr. Clark believed that the two main issues in disease she observed were parasites and toxins. Nutritional deficiency did not seem to be part of it. She said that if the two issues of parasites and toxicity were cleaned up, that people could get well. Their own healing powers within their body would be able to function.
But what DID Dr Clark believe about nutrition? Did she actually have a diet?
Diet cleanup was one of Dr Clark’s 4 official Cleanups. At the core of her diet reset program was the statement “make it from scratch“. The flip side to that is to avoid every food in a package, can, cube, or box. This included instant foods, sauces, condiments, beverages, dressings, breads, etc. these items were polluted and toxic to the body. They must be avoided.
There were a few exceptions such as milk as well a unbleached flour to make your bread. Dr. Clark felt that milk was too valuable a food to avoid because of the calcium content. She recommended even pasteurized milk, but to overcome the salmonella problem, it had to come to a rolling boil for 10 seconds and it would be safe. Dr. Clark recommended drinking 2 cups of milk per day. Cheese that was baked was also safe to eat.
Making things from scratch meant shopping in the live food section of the grocery store or market. The raw materials for your food came from fresh or dried herbs, olive oil, freshly squeezed lemon juice, and eating a wide variety of healthy, fresh vegetables, fish, white rice and peeled potatoes.
Dr Clark recommended vegetable juicing with half carrot juice and the rest of a wide variety of other vegetables. Many of her recipes also contained fresh fruits, fresh coconut, beets, tomatoes, almonds, pears. Strawberries, spices, etc. This sounds like good whole food nutritional sense to me.
Interestingly, Dr Clark believed in supplementing with key ingredients in her Kidney Cleanse such as Vitamin B6, Magnesium Oxide, and also daily supplementation of Vitamin B2, B complex and Thioctic Acid, plus more. Dr. Clark was a strong believer in supplements.
We realize that living life nowadays is not ideal. We have polluted air, public places, manufactured items around us which give off their own toxicities. As well, there is the fast pace of life. Life is marching on, and some changes need to be made.
First, how can you tell of you NEED whole food nutrition?
1. You live on processed food from the can, package or box?
2. You grab muffins, fast foods, burgers and fries because you are on the run.
3. You spend hours every day in traffic and are constantly on the go?
4. You are feeling run down, fatigued, and know your body is fading?
Your body NEEDS detox foods to support your health long-term. We don’t get old by surprise. Its NOT too late.
Begin by making one simple change to your diet. I believe you should begin with adding something – a large raw salad every day, 3 cups of raw vegetables, eating more fresh fruit, or vegetable juicing, which are in line with what Dr. Clark taught on diet. Live food can replace the dead cooked foods listed above. Get used to that one change, and become consistent.
Yours for adding live food to the Hulda Clark diet,