Today we received a call from someone with tapeworms that she cannot get rid of. It all began with tapeworm pieces coming in the toilet bowl. Now a 4-ft long tapeworm came out, but there is still more to come. She has been using the zapper , which is probably why she has been getting the positive tapeworm action. It is very difficult to get rid of the whole tapeworm body including the head (which lays the eggs).
This is reprinted from one of our archived newsletters from 2008, for anyone who wants one more piece of ammunition to fight tapeworms in the body.
“If you have been following Dr. Clark for any length of time, you will realize that this is a MAJOR breakthrough! According to Dr. Clark, this is the only thing that she has found that will destroy the scolex (egg-laying head) of a tapeworm completely, along with the rest of its stages.
To get started, you need 9 essential oils. The safest source is, San Francisco Herbs. Get a small bottle of each of these:
- Allspice
- Anise
- Caraway
- Coriander
- Fennel
- Juniper
- Nutmeg
- Sage
- Thyme
Take 3 drops of each oil 3 times per day for 5 days. Place the drops in a large vegecap (OO size) and swallow with water. You can mix several kinds of drops in one vegecap.
That is all there is to it. This recipe is another tribute to the healing power of herbs. Thank you Dr. Hulda Clark.”
PS Since this was written, we can recommend either DoTerra Oils or Young Living Oils as a source for the 9 essential in the Tapeworm Elimination Recipe.
Here is our story of Rani Nicole’s recovery from a tapeworm.