Hulda Clark Constipation Tea
Here’s Hulda Clark’s Constipation Tea from her book “The Cure for All Diseases“, p. 548 by Hulda Regehr Clark, PhD, N.D.
Constipation is often caused by E.Coli and Salmonella from dairy foods, or from killing “good” bowel bacteria with antibiotics (killing a few by zapping actually restores good flora). Eat foods that restore the body’s good bowel flora: vegetables, sterilized milk (the milk sugar is essential), lots of water.
There are a lot of remedies for constipation, but many people enjoy this tea:
1 Tablespoon senna tea leaves
1/2 tsp mint leaves.
1 quart water (4 cups)
Boil for 1 minute. Add a dash of Vitamin C and brown sugar to taste.
Sip through the day to avoid “belly-ache”. It can take years for the body’s flora to “right themselves” after an antibiotic session. Be patient.
We recommend this type of constipation remedy occasionally, but for the longer term we recommend getting to the root of your constipation issues, and working with your gut, fiber, enzymes, live raw food, fermented foods, and any other way to establish good bowel movements.
Three Candida Cleanse Recipes
Candida is an overgrowth of yeast in the body, and shows itself in many ways. Some of the common symptoms are: vaginal itching and/or burning, thrush (white coated tongue), athlete’s foot with fungal toe infection, rectal itching.
Other symptoms are: constipation, depression, brain fog, allergies, cravings for sugars, breads, chips and carbs, digestive problems like gas and bloating, IBS, sluggish bowel, chronic fatigue, and other vague symptoms.
Here are some recipes for the beginner, with some diet ideas.
Basic Anti-Fungal Foods: Yogurt (natural, no sugar), Apple Cider Vinegar, Garlic, Ginger, Cloves, Coconut oil and Oregano oil. Use these foods in dressings and in cooking. Use Oregano oil topically and use a drop or two on your toothbrush to brush your teeth.
1. Pau-d’arco (or Taheebo) Tea (See more at 9 Useful Cleansing Teas)
This herb contains three anti-yeast compounds – lapachol, beta-lapachone and xyloidine, that help fight candida albicans and other fungi.
Ingredients to make Pau-d’arco Tea:
- 3 heaping tablespoons of dried bark
- 10 cups water.
Boil for 5-15 minutes.
Drink a cup of this tea two to eight times a day.
2. Clove Tea
Ingredients for Clove Tea:
- 1 tbsp whole cloves, ground in a coffee grinder
- 1 quart of pure water
Boil the water, add the ground cloves and let steep for 20 minutes. Pour through a strainer. Dilute if the tea is too strong. Drink 2 cups of clove tea per day.
3. Baking Soda
Take 1/2 teaspoon of Baking Soda in warm water twice a day (1/2 hour before meals.)
Foods to Avoid – Aged cheese, all additives and preservatives, alcohol, caffeine, chocolate, fruit and sugar (of all kinds), mushrooms, nuts & spices, vinegar, foods containing gluten (most flours and grains)
Foods to Eat Vegetables – raw or steamed. Vegetables containing sugar like yams, potatoes and corn should be limited.
Proteins – barley green juice powder concentrate, non-medicated organic fish and meats.
Yogurt – good live yogurt cultures to nourish the bowel. Do not use yogurt with sugar/fruit, but make sure it contains concentrated probiotics (acidophilus) in the yogurt.
14 Constipation Home Recipes
Here are some easy ways to cleanse your colon naturally. Commercial laxatives are not healthy and are actually harmful in the long term.
Diet and lifestyle changes made consistently over time will help you to become regular. Please read through this list and find something that works for YOU!
1. Add more fiber to your diet. We need both Soluble Fiber and Insoluble Fiber. Soluble Fiber is the kind that turns to gel in the intestines and helps to soften stool. Insoluble Fiber is roughage that is found in bran and many fruits and vegetables. See the Fiber Cookie recipe and adapt the ingredients to suit your family’s diet.
Cleansing for Beginners
The word cleanse means to remove dirt from, to free from dirt, and to purify.
Years of improper bowel habits, eating habits, and lack of exercise bring on diseases. When we cleanse out the garbage (with parasites and other invaders), we can begin to get energy, vitality and feel and look younger.
Two main factors affect our health are TOXICITY and DEFICIENCY. Toxic overload includes pollutants and parasites. Nutritional deficiencies are the nutrients your body is lacking.
The colon is really the body’s sewage system. If the sewer backs up, toxins become trapped, and are reabsorbed into the blood stream.
Signs & Symptoms of Toxicity
How do you know if your body is toxic? Or, how do you know if you could benefit from Cleansing?
You may not recognize the interesting possible signs and symptoms of toxicity in your body.
Toxicology textbooks list the first symptoms of chronic poisoning as low energy, fatigue, muscle weakness, inability to concentrate and intestinal complaints. These symptoms are virtually identical to those experienced by the chronically ill.– Jeffrey Bland, PhD, The 21-Day Rejuvenation Diet Program, p. 23
Some of the symptoms of toxicity you should look out for are: