Hulda Clark Zapper and Parasites
The AutoZap 5 super-fast zapper is a perfect companion to a comprehensive body cleanse. It works by wakening up your immune system and allowing your body’s own defenses to work for you. Many people report losing nests of parasites after using the zapper, plus many other benefits. See for customer feedback.
Here is a list of times when I personally have used the zapper:
- when I travel and need support against foreign bugs, flies, water microbes etc,
- as protection against the flu/cold when other family members are sick,
- when I feel like I’m fighting something or overtired and feel on the verge of catching a cold,
- when the kids have been in contact with others who are sick
- after having been to the dentist, or having a tooth extraction
The beauty of the Zapper is that it doesn’t use the digestive system to do its work in your body. We are told that it works through the blood stream.
The AutoZap 5 is the Hulda Clark zapper, designed for a lifetime of self health for you, your family and even your pets. It costs less than a day or two off work sick. Or a couple visits to a naturopath. Or one typical vet bill.
Got 5 minutes to super-charge your health?
It only takes FIVE minutes a day. That’s all the time it actually takes. It couldn’t get any quicker or easier.
See this site for more details go to
If you have questions on how to use the Hulda Clark Zapper, go to
Essiac Tea
Essiac Tea is an ancient formula that is known for its immune boosting qualities, as well as detoxification and cleansing of the whole body.
That is why people with the following conditions drink this tea: chronic disease and chronic pain, arthritis, kidney problems, liver problems, diabetes, obesity, high blood pressure, constipation, poor immune system etc. Almost anyone can benefit with this cleansing tea.
Here is the homemade formula:
6 1/2 cups of Burdock Root (cut)
16 ounces Sheep Sorrel (herb)
1 ounce Turkey Rhubarb Root (powder)
4 ounces Slippery Elm Bark (Powder)
Mix ingredients thoroughly in their dry state.
Preparation of Essiac Tea:
8 ounces (of the Essiac mix, dry formula above)
2 gallons of distilled water in stainless steel kettle
Bring the water to a hard or brisk boiling point (30 minutes)
Put the Essiac dry mixture into boiling water, stir and boil hard for 10 minutes
Allow to sit and cool slowly for six hours.
After six hours stir it thoroughly with wooden or stainless tool.
Let it sit for another six hours.
Return kettle to stove and bring to a boil.
At the boiling point, turn off the heat and pour the contents through a stainless strainer into a second stainless kettle.
Clean the first kettle thoroughly, then strain contents a second time from pot two back into pot one.
Bottle the tea immediately into dark amber glass bottles and seal it when hot.
Store in refrigerator.
Dark amber bottles may be purchased from just about any drug store pharmacist.
How to Drink Essiac Tea
Heat two ounces (four Tablespoons) of distilled water, then mix it with two ounces of Essiac tea, taken directly from the refrigerator.
- Essiac should be taken at bed time on an empty stomach at least 2 hours after eating.
- It can be taken in the morning on an empty stomach. If taken in the morning, do not eat for at least 2 hours after taking the Essiac
- Keep the Essiac refrigerated at all times.
- Shake well each time before pouring.