How to get Rid of your Symptoms
I keep boxes of magazine pages and clippings on the topic of cleansing and eliminating toxicity. I get excited about this topic because you can never go wrong when you start cleansing the body.
Toxins come from both internal and external toxic overload, but either way, it shows up with symptoms in your body. Symptoms is your body telling you something and you better listen.
Hallelujah Acres ( taught me that “The only true disease, Toxemia, is caused by obstructions in the human sewage system. The poor elimination of metabolic toxins (from food, exercise, stress, and environment) results in a septic poisoning of the bloodstream. If the body is never given a chance to effectively be rid of toxins… will store them away in the tissues and lymph and wait for an opportunity to ‘detoxify’.”
Here is the typical ‘symptom’ story I hear:
- You get a symptom or two, feeling like you have the flu, or you have diarrhea, or a headache, or something worse.
- You reach for a pill or medication to enable you to function as usual, because you have to keep going, and nobody likes pain or inconvenience. You MAKE the symptom go away one way or another.
- You eventually get over it, but unfortunately, your body suppresses and stores its toxins. They don’t just ‘go away’ by themselves.
- Your body now runs on overload with its stored toxins, until eventually you get something worse like arthritis, a liver problem, acne, chronic fatigue, and the list goes on.
It’s not difficult to make sure your body is clean and able to do its job of keeping healthy. Here are some helpful to-do items you can get started with today. Body cleansing doesn’t have to be complicated, and it can be fun if you have the support of someone else who wants to do it with you.
- Go on a juice cleanse for a week. Juice some carrot, apple, celery and parsley juice for breakfast every day. For added nutrition add beet and ginger slice. Drink a glass of watermelon juice later in the day. Also drink 6 glasses of pure clean water, and eliminate coffee or other comfort drinks. See how you feel.
- Go on a liver cleanse – once a month for 3 months.
- Eliminate all dairy from your diet for a month (cheese, milk, cream, ice cream, etc). Document any changes.
- Do a house cleanup of toxic household products you use. If you get anything from the regular grocery store it is likely toxic and should be disposed of. Be very very careful in which products you use in your home – vinegar, baking soda and borax are safe. This cleanup is very necessary for anyone with asthma or upper respiratory problems, and liver-related problems. Use very simple and pure household cleaning products. We recommend and use
Areas of pollution include: smoke, pop and sugar drinks, bags of chips, nice expensive, but toxic body products, not enough fiber, lack of oxygen, not enough pure water, not enough rest and relaxation, or too much sluggish behavior with no exercise?
Be a sleuth and find out what things trigger symptoms in your body. Get to the root of what is destroying your health. The positive side of having symptoms is that your body is trying to tell you something, and you can do something about it.
It’s time for cleansing out the garbage in your body that’s causing the symptoms. Don’t cover up your symptoms – they are really your friends.
PS This is not medical advice. We do not treat or cure disease. Please seek out medical advice from your trusted health professional.
Hulda Clark Liver Support Tea
I have personally done this recipe 3 times, and am on my 4th now. I have purchased a bag of the prepared herbs. But next time, being a Do-It-Yourselfer, I will be following this recipe below, as outlined in “Dr. Clark’s Healthy Recipes” Hulda Regehr Clark, Ph.D., N.D. Copyright 2010 New Century Press, LLC.
This is easy to prepare, and if you add a little apple or cranberry juice it tastes really good.
These liver herbs are not the same as the Liver Cleanse – which helps to remove gallstones. Rather, these are herbs which traditionally have been used to help the liver function better. I have only used these herbs as a cleanse, not for long periods of time. Please consult your herbalist for more information on these herbs and how they can be used to support your own health.
Suggested Use:
Mix all the herbs.
Add 1/2 cup) herbs to 2 quarts (8 cups) water, and bring to a boil.
Turn off the heat and cover. Let it stand for 6 hours.
Strain, and add sweetener like honey or agave syrup if desired.
Dr. Clark suggests adding coconut cream to taste extra good!!
Drink up to 3 cups per day, or as directed by a health professional.
Freeze leftover herbs, and use one more time.
Liver Support herbs are for adults only, 16 years and over.
6 parts Tanner’s Oak Bark, Quercus alba (white oak bark)
3 parts Gravel root, Eupatorium purpureum (queen of the meadow)
3 parts Jacob’s staff, Verbascum thapsus, (mullein herb)
2 parts Licorice root, Glycyrrhiza glabra
2 parts Wild Yam Root, Dioscorea villosa
2 parts Milk Thistle herb, Silybum Marianum
3 parts Walnut Bark, Juglans nigra (Black Walnut bark)
3 parts Marshmallow Root, Althea officinalis (white mallow)
1 part Lobelia plant, Lobelia inflata (bladder pod)
1 part Skullcap, Scutellaria lateriflora (helmet flower)
– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
For the Hulda Clark Liver Cleanse Recipe – click here
Hulda Clark Liver Cleanse Recipe
Your liver is a large important organ in your body, weighing up to 4 pounds. The liver performs over 500 functions in the body (such as blood clotting, bile production, helps with digestion and bowel function, cholesterol, regulating blood sugar levels, and much more), and is like the chemical laboratory of the body. It treats 1.4 liters of blood per minute, and cleans out harmful chemicals from the body. The liver is a basic detoxifier of the body. Without the liver, we would die within 24 hours.
The liver cleans out non-nutrient items that come through the body such as insecticides, household chemicals, body products/chemicals, prescription drugs, food additives and the list goes on. Your liver is the filter and it is a great protective organ, and someone has even said that we are really a big “walking liver”, as it has so much influence over the health of our entire body.
The bad news is that the liver can become sluggish or congested and overloaded. You can then develop symptoms and disease such as skin outbreaks, acne, fatigue, hormone imbalance, allergies and food sensitives, blood sugar problems and cholesterol problems. Cleaning out your vacuum filter sure changes the way it works and the same thing goes for your liver.
The good news is that it is possible to support the liver with cleansing. I have personally done the Hulda Clark Liver Cleanse at least 6 times or more. It was not difficult but I had to set aside 2 days for it. The Liver Cleanse should not be done if you are weak. But you can discover many benefits in getting your body filter cleaned out of stones.
Enjoy cleansing your liver,
(Also known as Liver Flush or Gallstone Flush)
From “The Cure for All Diseases” by Dr. Hulda R. Clark, p. 552-558
Cleanse your liver twice a year
Cleaning the liver bile ducts is the most powerful procedure that you can do to improve your body’s health. But it should not be done before the parasite program and for best results should follow the kidney cleanse and any dental work you need.
- Epsom Salts – 4 tablespoons
- Fresh pink grapefruit – 1 large or 2 small, enough to squeeze 2/3 to 3/4 cup juice
- Pint jar with lid
Eat a no-fat breakfast and lunch such as cooked cereal with fruit, fruit juice, bread, and preserves or honey (no butter or milk), baked potato or other vegetables with salt only. This allows the bile to build up and develop pressure in the liver. Higher pressure pushes out more stones.
2:00 p.m. Do not eat or drink after 2 o’clock. If you break this rule you could feel quite ill later. Get your Epsom salts ready. Mix 4 tablespoons in cups water and pour this into a jar. This makes four servings, 3/4 cup each. Set the jar in the refrigerator to get cold (this is for convenience and taste only).
6:00 p.m. Drink one serving (3/4 cup) of the ice cold Epsom salts. If you did not prepare this ahead of time, mix 1 tablespoon in 3/4 cup water now. You may add 1/8 tsp vitamin C powder to improve the taste. You may also drink a few mouthfuls of water afterward or rinse your mouth. Get the olive oil and grapefruit out to warm up.
8:00 p.m. Repeat by drinking another 3/4 cup of Epsom salts. You haven’t eaten since two o’clock, but you won’t feel hungry. Get your bedtime chores done. This timing is critical for success; don’t be more than 10 minutes early or late.
9:45 p.m. Pour 1/2 cup (measured) olive oil into the pint jar. Squeeze the grapefruit by hand into the measuring cup. Remove pulp with fork. You should have at least 1/2 cup, more (up to 3/4 cup) is best. You may top it up with lemonade. Add this to the olive oil. Close the jar tightly with the lid and shake hard until watery (only fresh grapefruit juice does this). Now visit the bathroom one or more times, even if it makes you late for your ten-o’clock drink. Don’t be more than 15 minutes late.
10:00 p.m. Drink the potion you have mixed. Take it to your bedside if you want, but drink it standing up. Get it down within 5 minutes. (fifteen minutes for the very elderly or weak persons). Lie down immediately. You might fail to get stones out if you don’t. The sooner you lie down the more stones you will get out. Be ready for bed ahead of time. Don’t clean up the kitchen. As soon as the drink is down walk to your bed and lie down flat on your back with your head up high on the pillow. Try to think about what is happening in the liver. Try to keep perfectly still for at least 20 minutes. You may feel a train of stones traveling along the bile ducts like marbles. There is no pain because the bile duct valves are open (Thank you Epsom salts!). Go to sleep, you may fail to get stones out if you don’t.
Next Morning: Upon awakening take your third dose of Epsom salts. If you have indigestion or nausea wait until it is gone before drinking the Epsom salts. You may go back to bed. Don’t take this potion before 6:00 a.m.
2 hours later: Take your fourth (the last) dose of Epsom salts. Drink 3/4 cup of the mixture. You may go back to bed.
After 2 more hours you may eat. Start with fruit juice. Half an hour later eat fruit. One hour later you may eat regular food but keep it light. By supper you should feel recovered.
How well did you do? Expect diarrhea in the morning. Use a flashlight to look for gallstones in the toilet with the bowel movement. Look for the green kind since this is proof that they are genuine gallstones, not food residue. Only bile from the liver is pea green. The bowel movement sinks but gallstones flat because of the cholesterol inside. Count them all roughly, whether tan or green. You will need to total 2000 stones before the liver is clean enough to rid you of allergies or bursitis or upper back pains permanently. The first cleanse may rid you of them for a few days, but as the stones from the rear travel forward, they give you the same symptoms again. You may repeat cleanses at two-week intervals. Never cleanse when you are ill.
How safe is the liver cleanse? It is very safe. My opinion is based on over 500 cases, including many persons in their seventies and eighties. None went to the hospital, none even reported pain. However, it can make you feel quite ill for one or two days afterward, although in every one of these cases the maintenance parasite program had been neglected. This is why the instructions direct you to complete the parasite and kidney rinse programs first.
Symptoms of liver disease include nausea, vomiting, lack of energy, fatigue, loss of appetite, itching, yellowing skin and eyes, liver pain and/or dark urine. Gallbladder disease sometimes includes pain and digestive problems.