6 Dirty Secrets of having BAD BREATH!!!
I got the SURPRISE of my life as I sat talking with a young banking representative yesterday.
The sewer-like smell coming from his mouth almost knocked me over. It was a combination of what I imagine the smell of rotting teeth and a bowel movement to smell like. How could a young man in a suit and tie ever exude such a revolting smell? And – he appeared to have a beautiful set of teeth, well groomed and clean.
It wouldn’t have been so bad if I had not encountered a lady earlier that same day with the exact same odor (possibly more intense) at the breakfast table in the beautiful B & B we stayed at. Her teeth were not as nice, she was older and obese. Perhaps I could understand that she could have bad breath, but certainly not the young banking gentleman.
Two people with BAD BREATH in one day was too much!!
It reminded me of the day I was about to eat a beautiful orange. I decided to open it first, and there before my eyes was a nest of worms amid black rot and mold. On the outside what appeared to be a beautiful orange was, in fact, a deadly mass of decay. The picture above is the actual picture of the orange I was about to eat!!
Bad breath is a symptom of something brewing beneath the surface. Bad breath is not normal. And . . . . bad breath should be taken seriously. Be thankful if someone is kind enough to let you know that you have bad breath. The sooner you clean it up, the better for you.
- It really smells bad near you. People may avoid getting close to you. It’s hard to appreciate a toilet-bowl smell coming out of someone’s mouth for an extended period of time. You have a toxic situation going on, and other people are getting the brunt of it. It’s easier for people to keep away than talk about it. Your body will need cleansing and detox.
- You may have gum disease, bacteria in your gums, rotten and/or rotting teeth. Research now shows that harboring teeth infections and gum disease can be one real cause of heart disease.
- You may have a sinus infection with bacteria and infection breeding in cavities above your mouth in your head. That can smell really foul, and it will wear your immune system down eventually.
- You likely have constipation. Your food has slow transit time, your bowels don’t move adequately and you are congested. The toxins that should be exiting your body are staying around for days, and your body is reabsorbing the garbage into your blood stream. You are likely feeling more tired than usual, lethargic, have acne breakouts, your brain feels fuzzy and your breath stinks really bad. Your stomach could even be distended and bloated with excess pounds of fecal matter!! Have you got the picture?
- You may have poor Digestion with bad diet and liver problems – this is separate from the constipation issue. Your liver can’t speak, and so you won’t necessarily know what’s happening. It’s like that worm in the orange picture above. You may look fine on the outside, but there may be something bad brewing in your body organs.
- You may also experience bad breath from cleansing during a fast. You may have a white tongue and foul breath, but these will end as your body cleanses naturally. If you are fasting, be encouraged that your body is eliminating toxic waste and getting cleansed!
- Other reasons for bad breath could be medications, which can cause ‘dry mouth’ and bring on foul smelling breath.
When the first person tells you that you have bad breath, here are some important DIY steps you can do immediately. Many of these steps can be done at the same time, but Step 11 and 12 obviously must be done separately. Work on your bad breath step by step.
1. Drink 6-8 fresh clean cups of water each day. Coffee or tea do not count.
2. Immediately increase your fiber by eating 1-2 apples every day, with its skin!
3. Add fresh green parsley to your diet – chew it well to let the chlorophyll sanitize and freshen your mouth. Chlorophyll is like an internal body deodorizer and cleansing food. Chew a bunch every day, and include it in your meals.
4. Chew clove buds, which can help cover up bad breath, and also help to kill parasites that are lurking around.
5. Add 1 tsp – 1 tbsp of apple cider vinegar in water before each meal, as a digestive aid.
6. Move to the colon cleanse. You must make sure that your bowels are moving well each day. See the section 14 Constipation Home Remedies for DIY ideas immediately.
7. Just having a bowel movement is not enough. Fiber will give you bulk which provides a sweeping action that cleanses years of sludge buildup on the walls of your colon. Toxic sludge and impacted fecal matter can give you symptoms of bad breath. See my personal homemade DIY Easy Fiber Solution here. It works amazingly well for getting that sweeping action in the colon.
8. Cut out meat and cheese from your diet for a period of time. They contain no fiber, promote constipation, and tend to putrefy (make a foul smell) if your bowels are not moving.
9. Clean up your mouth. Brush your teeth carefully, floss, and brush your tongue. Try a natural rinse made from salt and bicarbonate of soda. You can mix 3 parts soda to 1 part sea salt. Add 1 tsp to a cup of water which you can gargle and swish to keep your mouth fresh.
Note: Someone in the family recently had a tooth extraction. After a few days the stench coming from his mouth was so bad nobody could stand to be near him. He could not even smell it!!! Miraculously after swishing gently with salt and soda water a number of times each day, the problem was solved.
10. See your Dentist, to determine if your bad breath is a deeper dental issue or not. Pay particular attention to crowns, root canals and bridges, which on the surface may appear to be fine, but are a rotting mess under the surface. This must be cleaned up.
11. Do a Hulda Clark Liver Cleanse. Your liver, being one of the most important organs in your body must be working well. Your liver is a toxin filter in your body, and it will be working hard to help you detoxify from your bad breath.
12. Do the Master Cleanse for 1-3 days.
13. I suggest getting on the Zapper as part of cleansing from bad breath. You can read the stories of those who have tried the zapper here.
Yours for fresh and clean BREATH!
PS. This information is not intended as medical advice. We advise you to seek professional medical help with all your health concerns including bad breath. It can be a serious symptom requiring medical help. As always, take responsibility for your own health.
How to get Rid of your Symptoms
I keep boxes of magazine pages and clippings on the topic of cleansing and eliminating toxicity. I get excited about this topic because you can never go wrong when you start cleansing the body.
Toxins come from both internal and external toxic overload, but either way, it shows up with symptoms in your body. Symptoms is your body telling you something and you better listen.
Hallelujah Acres (www.hacres.com) taught me that “The only true disease, Toxemia, is caused by obstructions in the human sewage system. The poor elimination of metabolic toxins (from food, exercise, stress, and environment) results in a septic poisoning of the bloodstream. If the body is never given a chance to effectively be rid of toxins…..it will store them away in the tissues and lymph and wait for an opportunity to ‘detoxify’.”
Here is the typical ‘symptom’ story I hear:
- You get a symptom or two, feeling like you have the flu, or you have diarrhea, or a headache, or something worse.
- You reach for a pill or medication to enable you to function as usual, because you have to keep going, and nobody likes pain or inconvenience. You MAKE the symptom go away one way or another.
- You eventually get over it, but unfortunately, your body suppresses and stores its toxins. They don’t just ‘go away’ by themselves.
- Your body now runs on overload with its stored toxins, until eventually you get something worse like arthritis, a liver problem, acne, chronic fatigue, and the list goes on.
It’s not difficult to make sure your body is clean and able to do its job of keeping healthy. Here are some helpful to-do items you can get started with today. Body cleansing doesn’t have to be complicated, and it can be fun if you have the support of someone else who wants to do it with you.
- Go on a juice cleanse for a week. Juice some carrot, apple, celery and parsley juice for breakfast every day. For added nutrition add beet and ginger slice. Drink a glass of watermelon juice later in the day. Also drink 6 glasses of pure clean water, and eliminate coffee or other comfort drinks. See how you feel.
- Go on a liver cleanse – once a month for 3 months.
- Eliminate all dairy from your diet for a month (cheese, milk, cream, ice cream, etc). Document any changes.
- Do a house cleanup of toxic household products you use. If you get anything from the regular grocery store it is likely toxic and should be disposed of. Be very very careful in which products you use in your home – vinegar, baking soda and borax are safe. This cleanup is very necessary for anyone with asthma or upper respiratory problems, and liver-related problems. Use very simple and pure household cleaning products. We recommend and use www.vermontsoap.com.
Areas of pollution include: smoke, pop and sugar drinks, bags of chips, nice expensive, but toxic body products, not enough fiber, lack of oxygen, not enough pure water, not enough rest and relaxation, or too much sluggish behavior with no exercise?
Be a sleuth and find out what things trigger symptoms in your body. Get to the root of what is destroying your health. The positive side of having symptoms is that your body is trying to tell you something, and you can do something about it.
It’s time for cleansing out the garbage in your body that’s causing the symptoms. Don’t cover up your symptoms – they are really your friends.
PS This is not medical advice. We do not treat or cure disease. Please seek out medical advice from your trusted health professional.
Does Peeling actually remove the Pesticides?
I got a little nervous when our friend said “There is so much pesticide sprayed around here, make sure you peel all the vegetables you possibly can”.
We had gone for a daytrip up to the highlands of Panama, very close to the Costa Rica border, where much of the Panamanian food is grown. The land is lush with tropical vegetation, hills, valleys, birds, butterflies, and bright beautiful flowers, and I saw rows of food being grown high up on the mountains. The vegetable bags were abundant with potatoes, cabbages, carrots, tomatoes, squash, chard, beets, and onions, and we even got a huge bag for $6 – a great deal!
When I realized that most food is sprayed here I asked myself what kind of pesticides are being used? how much poison so far? and finally, does peeling your vegetables actually remove the poison? The organic greens at the town market suddenly looked pretty attractive.
I find here in Panama you can get organic vegetables but you have to look for it. Really, I don’t think it is too much different here than it is where you live. You just have to be aware and resolved to deal with toxicity on any food as best you can – thorough washing or even by peeling. Here’s what I am doing:
Tip 1. Using Grapefruit Seed Extract as a vegetable wash. I have Grapefruit Seed Extract (Nutribiotic) with me so I have been soaking everything in that. I have been putting 5-10 drops of GSE in a bowl of soaking water, to wash off the toxins from pesticides. Another vegetable wash that is easy for the do-it-yourselfer is white vinegar. Put approx. 1/2 cup of vinegar in a spray bottle and fill it up with water. Spray your vegetables and fruits, or you can soak them in the sink with vinegar.
Tip 2. Trying to get organic if possible. The local health food store has a source for organic chickens, eggs and vegetables in quantity. We also have a local organic farmer who sells at the Tuesday market, along with a man who parks his truck and sells organic vegetables and herbs from the back of his truck at very reasonable prices.
Tip 3. Counting the vegetables with thick skins or those that grow very high in the air as safe: peas in the shell, squash, broccoli, onions, cabbage, avocado, bananas, pineapple, mango. Avoid fruits where the pesticides go right in the core are apples and strawberries. Others to get organic if possible are: celery, bell peppers, potatoes, spinach, lettuce and thin-skinned vegetables/fruits.
Tip 4. Always check with the dirty dozen list and the clean vegetables are listed at http://www.ewg.org/foodnews/summary/
Of course, pesticide use changes in other countries, so you cannot guarantee that this list holds for your country. Ask questions and do your own research. Find out which fruits and vegetables grow naturally, and which ones attract bugs and are sprayed. Find out if the spray is on the actual produce and/or in the soil. Grow your own food if you can.
To be honest, the only way to know if pesticides remain on unpeeled vegetables is to have them tested for the chemical which they were sprayed with. And peeling doesn’t necessarily remove all sprays. My advice is, in the tropics wash your vegetables and fruits well.
Until then, I’ll support organic gardening as much as possible. You’ll make friends with some really cool people.
Do you have the six hidden hazards in YOUR home?
June 2012 issue of Consumer Reports Canada lists six hidden hazards in your home as:
- household cleaners
- old lead-based paint
- invisible killers: carbon monoxide and radon
- combustion of particles or gases
- interior mold
- air fresheners, candles and incense
Here are some of the highlights I got from the article.
Most cleaning products are not safe, including some “green” labels. For your own DIY cleaner, mix 1 tbsp of vinegar or lemon juice with 1 quart of water. Clean toilets with baking soda or vinegar and a brush. Baking soda can help get rid of odors on rugs or carpets. Sprinkle it on, wait 15 minutes and then vacuum.
Lead-based paint is the most significant source of lead poisoning in the US, found in older homes. Have a paint chip analysis done by a professional to be sure. Lead paint is extremely dangerous for children. Have an EPA-certified painter remove it.
Radon and carbon monoxide cannot be seen, smelled or seen, but both are deadly. Radon comes from the earth beneath your home, and is the leading cause of lung cancer. The only way to know you have them is to test for them. Install a carbon monoxide sensor, and make sure it has new batteries. Test for Radon. (Note: I’m not sure exactly how you test for Radon. If someone knows, let us know.)
Don’t let anybody smoke in your home. Clean your chimneys each year.
To me, this next one is one of the worst and insidious items on the list. Mold and bacteria can spread from a home humidifier, bathroom exhaust fans, and even clogged gutters where the water seeps into the house. (Note: Although Consumer Reports suggest treating small areas with a solution of 1 part bleach with 16 parts water, eye mask and respirator, we suggest that an Ozone generator is very safe, effective, and more efficient for larger areas.)
Air Fresheners are extremely dangerous because they contain phthalates which are linked to cancer and reproductive problems plus tons more. Even though manufacturers are cleaning up their products, we still can’t trust them, so get rid of all air fresheners in your home. Scented candles can trigger asthma attacks and allergies. Get rid of them too and watch your health improve.
Don’t wait, clean up the Six hazards asap!
Use a Chemical Roach Killer?
I was cleaning out the cupboards of our rental home the other day, and among the toxic household chemicals I threw out was a spray can of Baygon Roach Killer. See the other items I threw out here.
I looked at it, and knowing what a problem roaches are here in Central America, the fleeting thought came to me that this stuff could really be useful. Being pest-free sounded nice.
BUT ….. this can boasts that it kills instantly (mata al instante), and is more powerful than ever! It is for scorpions and cockroaches. On a closer look, here is what you really need to know.
This is an aerosol insecticide made in Mexico and the ingredient list on the back is so small you can hardly read it without magnification. The active ingredient is “cipermetrina” or cypermethrin. It warns to cover all food and to keep it away from your eyes and flame. You need good ventilation for the treated area for 30 minutes. Warning: this affects the central nervous system, causes irritation, dermatitis and paralysis.
In reading the MSDS for cypermethrin, it says “Exposure may cause irritation to eyes, mucous membranes, upper respiratory tract and skin; Exposure may also cause the following: effect fertility and/or unborn and breastfed babies; somnolence; convulsions, seizures or tremor; salivary gland changes; motor activity changes muscle contraction; urine volume increase; immuneresponse decrease; proteinuria; hypoglycemia; blood clotting factor changes.”
If this roach spray can cause this list of conditions, is it really worth using in your house? Would you want to put your kids or animals, and especially yourself at risk? Infertility and hormonal disruptors are becoming alarmingly more common, and chemicals like this are contributors to the problem. You never know the longer term effects of this chemical in the body.
Bugs and ants in the house are a terrible nuisance and it does take persistence to get rid of the problem. They often have a route that they enter the house – through the wall or a crack somewhere. I recommend making a custom natural killer for any kind of bug you might be faced with.
The EPA of the United States recommends natural approaches to keeping critters out of your house. You must clean up spills and crumbs immediately. Close up all bags of food and don’t leave them open lying around. Eat at the table so you keep food crumbs in one place. Do not leave dirty dishes in the sink, and always cover the trash, being careful to empty if often. You must be meticulous and consistent in order to starve them away.
Here are some natural recipes that I will be using if I need them here at this house.
Recipe 1 Ingredients: Baking Soda, icing sugar and water. Mix equal parts together into a paste, so the roaches can feed on this and also take back to their nest. This will make them bloat up and die.
Recipe 2 Diatomaceous earth, which you can buy in the hardware store or garden store. When the roach eats this, it will destroy their shell/skeleton and cause them to shrivel and die.
If we find we need roach killer, I’m planning on following the EPA’s kitchen cleansing protocol first, and then using one of the above recipes if necessary. Until that time comes, the Baygon roach killer is gone, never to return. By the way, if you friends find a better solution, please let me know.
Getting healthy together!